Boiled & scrambled eggs w/cheese and fried sausage & banana chips

Boiled & scrambled eggs w/cheese and fried sausage & banana chips

1 review
READY IN 15 mins or less
PREP TIME 15 mins or less
COOK TIME 15 mins or less

This is a simple and easy to make breakfast that is very healthy and nutritious and a great way to start your day. It can be served with coffee, tea, orange juice, fruit punch, water, and or any beverage of your choice. It take only 15 mins or less to make. This will leave your kitchen smelling fantastic when you wake up in the mornings. This was made by myself Jamaican style I hope you enjoy.


  • egg
  • sasuage
  • scallion
  • tomato
  • onion
  • green or yellow pepper (optional)
  • thyme
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • Cheese


  • 1Boiled eggs

    Step 1: place eggs in water and boil for 8 mins.

    Step 2: spinckle with salt and black pepper.

    Step 3: sprinkle with shredded cheese.
  • 2Scrambled eggs w/ cheese and fried sausage and banana chips

    Step 1: Crack your eggs in a cup add a tablespoon of water, pinch of salt & black pepper,1/4 scallion, 1/4 onion, 1/4 tomato, pinch of thyme, and shredded cheese then mix with fork.

    Step 2: Peal banana then slice bananas

    Step 3: slice sausages.

    Step 4: slightly oil frying pan.

    Step 5: place bananas and sausages in pan and fry on both side for 30 sec each.

    Step 6: Pour egg in pan stir for 30 sec or more until golden brown. Then add shredded cheese over egg when plated.


11 December, 2016
Muy bien.
bon appétit.
Profitez de votre repas, c'est délicieux