You Name It!

You Name It!

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READY IN 45 minutes
PREP TIME 20 minutes
COOK TIME 25 minutes
SERVINGS 2 servings

Foodies can  name this delicious vegetarian recipe anything they like. 

The main ingredient is a root vegetable called “name” which is very common in the Caribbean. It’s a versatile ingredient with a neutral flavor and soft texture. It is common in soups and with sea food, especially shrimp.


  • 1 large name root ; cut in 1” cubes and Boiled
  • 1/2 small Spanish onion sliced
  • 1 tsp sofrito criollo
  • Garlic powder and Celtic salt to taste
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper: sliced
  • 2-3 tbsp canola or corn cooking oil


  • 1In a medium saucepan boil the cut up name then set aside
  • 2In a nonstick skillet, sautee the onion, pepper and sofrito in oil. Watching it so it doesn’t overcook. 5-8 minutes
  • 3Last, add the name mixing with the sautee. Let it cook for another 5-8 minutes allowing all color and seasoning to blend in.

