Recipes By Takuya - Food Blog Homemade Japanese Rice Recipes the beautiful cuisine culture of Japan to your home through the two following delicious but also easy-to-do recipes.Japanese cuisine offers a cornucopia of gastronomical delights with a boundless variety of regional and seasonal dishes. Their worldwide popularity has led to the establishment of many restaurants, which makes the majority of the enthusiasts think that cooking Japanese food ...Thu, 28 Apr 2022 03:16:21 +0000A Quick Guide to Making Delicious Sushi for some sushi? Here are the simple steps to follow so you can make one at home! Millions of people from all around the world enjoy Japanese food because of their unique flavours and culinary combinations because each of their dishes is delicious.Sushi is one of the world's most popular Japanese dishes. It is enough to satisfy a person who eats it, even if it is offered in little portio...Mon, 18 Apr 2022 07:19:37 +00004 Refreshing Cocktails to Serve at your Kentucky Derby Party United States is a different beast in the global horseracing industry, and its historical, prestigious, and honourable Kentucky Derby can attest to that. First run in 1875, it is the first leg of the world-renowned U.S. Triple Crown. It has gained the moniker called ‘The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports’ or ‘The Fastest Two Minutes in Sports’ due to its estimated duration.The Kentucky De...Tue, 21 Sep 2021 08:46:37 +0000Fun and Creative Recipes to Use Up All Those Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C. From promoting hydration to supporting weight loss and improving the quality of the skin, these little bright round fruits are filled with natural wonders! So, let’s step up your cooking skills with the following fun and creative recipes you could make using lemons. Enjoy sipping these drinks and enjoying this quick yet delicious dinner while playing...Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:48:40 +00003 Easy Peasy Microwave Recipes for Midnight Snack times call for tough measures. While the latter is quite subjective for every person, perhaps we could all agree that we become the most creative people when it comes to food. Even worse, we become extremely resourceful when hunger comes during an empty-fridge phase or at midnight. Either way, you can finally bid goodbye to them because this page lists down three easy and brilliant microw...Fri, 23 Jul 2021 11:49:23 +0000About Sundubu Jjigae: Homemade Recipe and Right Way To Eat It cuisine offers a plethora of comforting dishes. While its barbecue practice has become quite popular across Asian countries, nothing compares to the classic soups and stews. For centuries, they have been a major staple in every Korean household. Among the most well-known and enduring stew is sundubu jjigae. It’s a hot, soft tofu stew famed for its oodles of ingredients and vigorous boili...Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:07:43 +0000