Coconut Lime Fat Bombs

Coconut Lime Fat Bombs

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READY IN 60 mins
PREP TIME 5 mins
COOK TIME 55 mins

These little beauties are as light and delicious as they look. Now, I know a name like Fat Bomb sounds heavy, and honestly kind of gross, but just trust me here. They are a perfect little treat on a hot day.

Sometimes it's difficult to get in the amount of fat you are supposed to consume on the keto diet, all while keeping your protein moderate and your carbs very low. So, we make fat bombs. They are tiny bites packed with good healthy fats.

These are very simple to make and are primarily coconut oil and coconut cream. Coconut, in my opinion, is nature's miracle food! I won't go into all the benefits here, but you should definitely check it out for yourself.

Start by melting your coconut oil and coconut cream over medium low heat.

Then add the zest and juice of 2 limes along with some shredded coconut.

Once everything is thoroughly combined pour the mixture into and icecube try or silicon mold.

Place the tray in the freezer to set for about an hour. Once they are frozen your fat bombs are ready to enjoy!


  • 3/4 cup coconut oil
  • 2 oz. Unsweetened, shredded, coconut
  • Zest and juice of 2 small limes
  • 1 cup of no sugar added coconut cream
  • 1/4 tsp of vanilla
  • 1 packet of stevia (or sweetener of choice)


  • 1Melt coconut oil in a medium saucepan pan over medium low heat.
  • 2Add the juice and zest of 2 limes, the vanilla, and the shredded coconut. Stir together.
  • 3Add the coconut cream and whisk all the ingredients until combined.
  • 4Slowly add your sweetener, tasting as you go, to make sure you get the desired sweetness.
  • 5Soon or pour the mixture into your mold of choice. Then, place it in the fridge to set. It takes about an hour.
  • 6Make sure to store them in the freezer, or the will melt

