Preserving your bread

Preserving your bread

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Let's take a break from recipes and look at some tips instead. What foodie doesn't appreciate a tip every now and then? Today's tip is simply about how to preserve your bread and retain its freshness.

Bread is a staple in Nigeria and its readily available too. Many consume it on a daily basis at varied times in the day because some even consume it as a snack. I usually don't consume much bread in one go and once i have a slice or 2, i never get back to it till a few days later. As a result, it goes moldy and ends up in the waste bin. This has always discouraged me from being a bread fan until recently when i discovered the best way to preserve my bread and kiss good bye to waste.

Your freezer is your pal when it comes to achieving this. Like bread, freezers are extremely important in Nigeria due to irregular power supply. So, make sure you always show your freezer a lot of love.


  • Bread
  • Transparent nylon bag the bread is sold in
  • Additional nylon bag


  • 1Make sure the nylon bag containing the bread is tied neatly and make sure to keep the air out.
  • 2Place into the additional nylon bag and tie neatly once again and put it into the freezer.
  • 3Make sure you don't place other items on top of it otherwise it make lose its shape.
  • 4Whenever you are ready to consume, simply bring it out earlier and allow it return to room temperature. Alternatively, you can place it in a preheated oven to warm it up a bit. Happy eating!
