There's always room for Jello & Psychiatric Help

There's always room for Jello & Psychiatric Help

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COOK TIME 10 Minutes

     Many of us have experienced traumatic moments in our lives that have scarred us for life.Perhaps it was a sudden tragic death in the family.  The uneasiness of divorce or an unexpected encounter with a rabid raccoon. Maybe a pregnancy scare or even a trip to the principal’s office. In any case they could be lasting scars that haunt us throughout our lives.

      My personal Achilles heel happens to be Jello.  It’s not because of a hospital stay or even Bill Cosby.  It’s my Mother.

     God bless her but she was raised during the Great Depression.  You remember the Depression.  No Twitter, no Alexis, no Kardashians.  How did they live?

     Anyhoo, being raised in that difficult era my Mom learned not to waste anything.  Toilet paper, coffee grounds, egg shells and yes, even Jello.

     When there were leftovers in the house we came to expect strange objects in our Jello.  Hot dogs, spaghetti, bad fruit, you name it, it found its way into the Jello.  To this day I see a therapist regularly, and I can’t even watch nude female Jello wrestling.

Her latest concoction is over the top, so on that note ladies and gentleman, I give you Bloody Mary Jello.


  • 1 3 Oz. Pkg. Lime Jello
  • 8 Oz. Bloody Mary Mix
  • 1/2 Cup Diced Onion
  • 1/2 Cup Diced Celery
  • 8 Oz. Cold Bloody Mary Mix


  • 1Grab a sauce pan
  • 2Throw in the Jello package and the Bloody Mix
  • 3Heat to a boil
  • 4Let sit 5 minutes to cool down
  • 5Add onion, celery and cold Bloody Mix
  • 6Pour into a glass serving dish and chill until set

